NOVEMBER 16, 2009

As I was walking in the quite but beautiful street with rhythmic steps and happy emotion in my living community, I saw the Moon and stars shining over the blue sky. I know that the globe under my feet is also a star if it is looked from another planet in the solar system.

It was in the middle of October in Southwest Florida. The temperature was warm and the air was full of a pleasant smell with a mixture of many kinds of flowers. This made me feel very comfortable.

Suddenly, a voice came to my inner ears. It asked me a very strange question: “Do you know what components and how do they make up the universe”? Since then, this inner voice never went away from my brain.

After about one month, I finally found the answer to this question by combining all my scientific knowledge.

My answer to this question is: The universe is made up of all kinds of stuffs. These stuffs can be categorized into four main levels according to their physical properties or natural forms.

The criteria for this category are based on the known scientific knowledge so far.

The four main levels are:

A. The first level of components is neither visible nor touchable (audible). They have no physical form. There are only three components in this category. They are: space, time, and energy (gravitation and universe movement force). They are eternal and indefinite in the universe. They are not changeable in any circumstance. In the term of universe scale, this level is the largest one. In the term of individual unit, this level is the fewest one.

B. The second level of components is either visible, or audible, but never both. However, they can be measured by an instrument. There are also three components in this category. They are: air, light, and magnetic force. The components in this category have no physical form under natural conditions but can be measured or detected by an instrument. Their existence in the universe is definite and changeable. In the term of universe scale, this level is the second largest one in order. In the term of individual unit, this level is the second one in order.

C. The third level of components can both be touchable and visible in certain environmental condition but can become untouchable and invisible under the natural conditions, either. Water is a specific component in the universe because of its specific physical property. It is easy to change its form in three ways, that is, from solid to liquid to vapor. So water is the best sample in this category. Ice, snow, fog, and cloud belong to this category. The components in this category have their physical form but their physical form can be changed easily under natural conditions. Their existence in the universe is definite and changeable. In the term of universe scale, this level is the third one in order. In the term of individual unit, this level is also third in order.

D. The forth level of components is both visible and touchable material with either solid or liquid form under regular environmental conditions. They are usually did not change their form very easily under natural conditions. All solid and liquid materials except water related stuffs such as water, ice, snow, fog, and cloud belongs to this category. Examples in this category are a rock, a tree, and an acid solution. Therefore, the components in this category have their physical form under natural conditions and do not change their form from one physical status to another frequently. Their existence in the universe is definite and changeable. In the term of universe scale, this level is the smallest one. In the term of individual unit, this level is the most one.

We can easily see the importance and order of the levels of the universe components in the term of their existence in the universe. The importance and order is clearly shown by the levels A to D. The logic is very obvious, that is, if there is no level one, there would be no space, energy, and time, there would be no universe.

The level one is eternal and indefinite. It is beyond the current scientific knowledge. Human beings will continue to explore the mystery of the universe lying ahead but it will solve all the mysteries of the universe because the time is continuing forward. Therefore, one never knows what happens next. This is the true magic of the universe.

By answering this important question, I found out an important universe law that no one has stated before me. This universe law is: The importance order in the universe increases from solid, visible, touchable real materials to invisible, untouchable components without physical form.

Since all human beings are living in the universe, so this law can be applied to life on the Earth. The importance order in human life increases from flesh to consciousness, that is, from solid, visible, touchable body to invisible, untouchable soul without physical form.
