NOVEMBER 1, 2009
Dear Everyone:
I am writing to you to express one of my concerns about world events that are happening right now on the Earth. I am not sure any of you can hear my message because my blog is not a famous one. But, I am still try my best to do this because I love the Earth and have the right as a resident of the earth to do so,
By my personal view, the Earth is a whole unit which is shared by all living things on it. All the countries on the Earth are the sub-units. The governments of all countries are the representatives of all these sub-units.
The purpose of the government is to manage of its own unit. Therefore, every event inside a country is the responsibility of its government and the affairs among different countries are the responsibility of related countries. However, since the Earth is a whole unit, all the countries of the Earth has the responsibility to manage it as a whole.
Now I have a question for all of you, when the Earth faces a dangerous situation, or in another word, when the Earth is no longer suitable for living things living on it, what should you do? Just wait for dying? Or immigrate to another planet?
I am quite sure that most of you, if not all of you, will say that: “we will try to immigrate to another planet and we are trying hard now to explore the space out of the Earth. We spent a lot of money to develop new technologies in space science.”
By my knowledge, that is exactly what is happening now. And that is also my main concern. Migration to another planet is the event of living things on Earth. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all countries on the Earth, not just individual country. But, unfortunately, current effort on this issue is mainly the action of individual country.
I am wondering why human being, as the manager of the Earth authorized by God, cannot working all together in this issue. What is the reason or the cause for it?
I think some of you will agree with me that there are a few setbacks when individual country acts alone. Such setbacks are: 1. cannot use the earth resources more efficiently because each country does the same research and therefore wastes the same resources on the same project; 2. create the untruth among individual country because it makes each country doubts each other; 3. may cause conflicts when it is considering the own interest of individual country.
My further question is: if there is no any other planet in the universe suitable for human beings to live and the human being must create one for such purpose, is any individual country willing to do such huge job alone, or does any individual country have the ability to complete such huge task alone? Furthermore, if such a planet has been created or found in the universe, will only the citizens of certain countries be allowed to migrate to the planet or all the residents of the Earth, despite of the race and citizenship, has the equal right to make suck migration?
I cannot figure out why human being cannot work together in such a project. To me, it is obvious that it is the task of the Earth, not the task of individual country. So I suggest that all governments on the Earth think about my questions and take my opinion that all countries stop the current individual space programs and put the money and resources together, create a universal space development center on the Earth. All the benefits obtained by this center are shared by the Earth.
If some individual countries reject such cooperation, the only reason may be that they want to use the space technology as a weapon to against human being. If it is such a case, I am sure that it will get the punishment by God. I have no any doubt about this conclusion because I understand that God spent his great effort to create the Earth for human being to live. So He loves human being very much.
It is the time for human being to work together because we are all the residents living on the same unit. We must take care this unit and reach out in the future, not only for ourselves, but also for our future generations. However, this completely depends upon the action of all of you, the ones are chosen by God to take the responsibility of management on Earth.
Very sincerely yours,
Dr. Jiping Jiang